
Benchmarking Ray Tracing for Realistic Light Transport Algorithms

bwfirt is a benchmark to test the performance of ray tracing kernels in the setting of physically based light simulation. The most important issues are:


Please find a short summary about and instructions for bwfirt in this pdf file.


Example Output

An example pdf file generated by bwfirt can be found here. It contains all relevant information about the system, the compiler, the test scene and the measured performance of the ray tracing kernels.

sponza_graph.png top


The following test scene packages are available:

Included in the release package (download)

minimal rebuild of the Cornell box


Procedural Nature by Bernhard Finkbeiner (download)

1.5 Gigabytes of triangles


Atrium by Matthias Rolf (download)

As used in the poster Kempter, Keller: Testing Ray Tracing Algorithms (RT07)

atrium atrium2

MGF Scenes by Greg Ward (download)

Original files which have been converted to bwfirt-format can be found here.

cabin classroom
conference cruiser
office soda

Source Code

The package source is available for download at sourceforge.

Also, feel free to check out the sources via svn:

svn co https://bwfirt.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bwfirt bwfirt



The authors of this project are (or: have been) situated at Ulm University and are partially funded by the project information at your fingertips - Interaktive Visualisierung für Gigapixel Displays, Forschungsverbund im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Informationstechnik in Baden-Württemberg (BW-FIT).
